Monday, December 05, 2011

Chalk and Cheese

My 2 girls are as different as chalk and cheese.

It's quite evident in their looks, though I still think they both resemble the dad. Character wise, they are the exact opposite of each other.

Kae is quiet and doesn't smile readily at strangers. An obedient child by nature, she listens to us if we talk to her nicely and preps her beforehand for anything major. She can entertain herself while I do the household chores at home. Though a bit whiny at times, she is quite easy to appease, with her favorite toys, sweets and books.

She enjoys eating whatever I cook for her, which makes it super easy when we bring her out. She loves carbo, mainly her pasta and noodles. The best thing about her is that she could sleep through the night before she was 6 months old.

Kerri is the exact opposite. She is loud and smile at every Tom, Dick and Harry. A defiant child by nature, she doesn't listen to us and literally lies on the floor and cries whenever she doesn't get her way. She is super clingy, and I can only do the household chores while she is sleeping, which doesn't count for much as she fidgets a lot during her sleep cycle. A little tigress is she, we still haven't figure a way to appease her. But I simple refuse to give in to her. I enjoy watching her wail actually. How sadistic am I.

She is a super fussy eater, and eat almost nothing except milk. She can take rice for lunch and refuse to eat rice for dinner. Even when she does eat, it's just a few teaspoons worth. A fickle minded eater she is. You never know what her appetite craves for each time. And a bad habit she has, like a hamster, she loves to keep the food in her mouth and spits out everything after a while. She still cannot sleep through the night at 18 months old. Help!

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