Friday, February 26, 2010

on the Edge

I have been feeling on the edge recently. Every little thing seems to get on my nerves.

Maybe it's because I'm feeling more tired and breathless nowadays. My tummy is getting bigger. And no thanks to the CNY goodies (which are still plentiful in my house), I gained 2 kg in 3 weeks. Fwah! So my total weight gain in my 22 weeks of pregnancy is now 4.5kg. Fat cow! Sigh.

I'm also feeling damn bored right now. There is nothing meaningful to do right now. My daily schedule is such: I wake at 7am to get Kae ready for school. Head back to dreamland after I send dar and Kae out of the door. Heehee. I try to wake by 11am now. I cook my lunch, log on to the internet, watch a bit of tv and wash clothes. By 1pm I would be bored. Then I will laze around till 4 plus before I get out of the house to pick up Kae. Afterwhich, we will take a bus down to either: the CPF building to wait for dar, to Suntec city/Marina square/Robinson city to hang. It is all very tiring until dar comes along. As Kae wants me to carry her from the moment I pick her up, to when the daddy comes to meet us. Can you imagine me carrying Kae all the way from school, to taking a bus, to walking to wherever I am going?

As if that isn't tiring enough, there are almost no kind souls on the buses I take with Kae. I am utterly dissapointed with Singaporeans. Not only do they not offer seats to the preggy mummy carrying a heavy toddler, they can even cut queue when going up the bus. And guess what, people who offer me their seats in buses are actually mostly foreigners, i.e. china women and foreign labourers. Hah. I wonder what our education system has turned the majority of us into. Working class educated singaporeans can't even compare to foreign labour workers.

I am so craving for Gelare's honey malt crunch ice cream now. Slurp!

1 comment:

  1. Most of the time when I take the bus, people do offer their seats - maybe its because I look tired, or when I go up the bus, my eyes are always sweeping around for seats so maybe people get the idea...

    But there was once when I took it on a mid-day, yea surprise surprise - suddenly that section of passengers near me all got very sleepy and had to close their eyes...*shakes head*


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