Tuesday, July 13, 2010

How the Bad Parent was created

I just realized today that I've been made the bad parent.

I've always thought that Kae lurves the daddy more as she don't see him as often as me, after staying at home with me for 2 whole years. And of course, due to the fact that I actually reprimand her more often as she's with me during the whole 24 hours. She's not always so innocent and demure okay?

Then on monday morning, when I was giving her the medication before sending her off to school, it suddenly hit me. I'm the bad parent. The damage has been done. Even when daddy is around, I'm always the one feeding her medication, whether she likes it or not (sometimes she lurves to take medicine, especially the pink paracetamol). And when she don't, I'm the one to scold her, and she runs to daddy for comfort.

Even when daddy is around, I'm always the one who feed her meals. So when she wants to eat her meals herself, I'm always the one to say no, as she always like to play with her spoon, fork, etc and make a mess of the whole place and of course, dirty her clothes, which I have to clean.

Even when daddy is around, I'm always the one to see to her safety when we are out and about. I'm always the one to scold and forbid her from touching stuff at the stores, reprimand her when she runs near any breakables, or jumping up and down on the escalator.

Even when daddy is around, I'm always the one to control what she can and cannot eat. I'm always the one to say no to her having snacks and sweets. I'm always the one to allow her just a tiny portion of ice-cream and other junk food that she is allowed to put into her stomach.

So, is it any wonder that Kae actually prefers her daddy over her mummy?

She's now always whining for daddy when he is not around. She always wants her daddy to carry and comfort her even when he's the one (and not me) to scold her at times. She always cries for her daddy when she wakes in the middle of the night.

It is just plain hurtful at times. Sigh. And I suspect Kerri will also follow in her sister's footsteps.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:46 PM

    i think this is something that most mothers will face. so i am now enjoying the time when Jazenne clings and whines for me, even though it can get on my nerves sometimes.
    take comfort that whatever rules we impose on our kids are for their good. it's because we care for our kids that we have to be strict.


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