Friday, December 07, 2012

Queensland Trip Day 7 Part 1 - Sunshine Coast

We started our 2nd day at Sunshine Coast with a visit to the farm! Since we didn't get to do a farm stay, which seems to be a must for every family with kids, we decided to head to a farm for a tour instead. Actually it was a better choice, since I think Kerri would not be able to handle a farm stay with all the animals around the place.

It so happened that a school was having their educational tour there too when we arrived at Maleny Dairies. So it was a busy Saturday morning for the people working at the farm.

First stop, they showed us the room where the milk was dispersed into the individual bottles and bottled up. As there were a few big groups, they couldn't show all groups how the milk was manufactured in ascending order. 

Next stop, the dry store. Where all the supplies are kept.

And then the storage room, where all the milk are kept after being packed in cartons. Right before they are sent off to their respective stores in the morning daily.

We were then ushered into a room where they showed us a short video clip of how Maleny Diaries came about. 

Finally, we stepped out onto the farm! We took a look at how the cows and goats were milked with the help of the machines. And yes, the whole area stunk.

Yes, there are the machines and tubes responsible for milking the animals.

We were given the chance of patting a cow. I wonder if they change the cow to be on display every week. Hah!

And our guide showed us how to milk a cow, and gave the kids a chance at drinking freshly squeezed milk! Of course Kae didn't.

Last station for the day, feeding the goats! The goats were really strong and very eager in drinking their milk. They actually launched towards the kids holding the milk bottles. Kae was really very brave. I didn't managed to catch it on pictures, but Kae actually fed the goats on her own before daddy came over to help her. She truly wasn't afraid of the over eager goats!

The guide told us we could put our whole fist into the goat's mouth and it wouldn't hurt as they have no teeth. And that was just what a man and a boy did!

It was quite an eye opener for us. A definite must go for families if you happen to be there on a holiday!

Add: 70 McCarthy's Road, Maleny, Queensland 4552
Tel: +61 7 5494 2392

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