Thursday, July 09, 2009

of Golf and JGCL

We bought Kae her 2nd golf set yesterday.

Her 1st golf set is the K's Kids Golf N Go Starter Golf Set. Erm, I really don't remember when we bought her this set. Maybe late last year early this year? We bought the set for her as she lurves to watch her daddy practice his swing moves at home and lurves to swing swing herself. Hence the golf set. And she really knows how to swing the club. She knows which end of the end she is supposed to hit the ball with. And she lurves to whine at her daddy to play golf with her when he's back from work. Hah, luckily for me!

When shopping at Robinsons last evening, I saw this Little Tikes Drive & Putt Golf Set. It is for 18 months and above. I thought it would be a nice "upgrade" for Kae. Heh. True enough, now she lurves to play with the new clubs. The old ones are actually made of soft material. These new clubs are made of plastic. And the new feature about this new set is the tee! Hah!

Anyhow, there will be more upgrades to come definitely!

Oh, and Kae is finally going to school! Erm, in the end, we've decided instead of the full day school cum child care kind of programme, we enrolled her at Julia Gabriel Centre for Learning (JGCL for short) under the EduPlay programme. For Kae's age group, she will be in PlayClub which fosters self-control and autonomy. PlayClub is a stimulating learning environment with a curriculum structured around letters of the alphabet and key Mandarin words, numbers, shapes and colours – all organised in child-centred themes and translated through activities such as indoor and outdoor play, music, art and craft, hands-on pre-science activities, stories, speech, drama and snack. Hopefully Kae will enjoy herself and be more pro-active in this programme. Then I will be able to stop looking for anymore schools for her and just let her "grow" in the Julia Gabriel and Chiltern House environment. Oh, and Kae will have a friend with her through the PlayClub programme; Claire! Heehee. Maybe Claire can influence Kae to be more outgoing and "make" her talk!

1 comment:

  1. Yay to JG - I'm excited.
    And golf? Man... don't show K those clubs... don't want Claire to want those too! Hehe.


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