Monday, November 05, 2012

another Maniac Monday

For the second Monday in a row, we went to visit the clinic again. The girls had recovered from their fever, but last night it came back, and I decided they have to see the GP again as their medication was running out.

The bad news was I had to bring Kerri for a blood test. Kae was alright, but as Kerri had rashes on her body for a week, and the GP wanted to make sure it was not a case of dengue. And so, we made our very first visit to the Children Emergency unit at KK Women's and Children's hospital.

My little tigress fared pretty well on her first visit. She didn't flinch an eye when the doctors and nurses examined her. She was super excited to be at an unfamiliar territory. 

She didn't even whimper when the nurse pricked her finger to take her blood for the blood test. My very brave girl!

And since we had to wait about an hour for the results of the blood test, we roamed around the hospital to pass time. Kerri was happy to step into a mini toy store and walk around the shop. 

We also stopped at Delifrance for a quick lunch. I used to go Delifrance often during school days to have my favorite Seafood D'sire Croissant. I rememeber it used to cost like $8ish for a set? Now it sets me back by $11ish! Inflation really kills.

The results came back good, Kerri was cleared of any dengue suspicion. Yay!

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