Thursday, April 10, 2014

hic'Juice Restore Cleanse Day 3

On to my last day of cleanse!

Somehow I felt very peaceful today. It's like I know today is the last day and I am very confident of getting through the day. With my usual caffeine intake of course.

I was very happy with 4 Carats as my breakfast bottle. Really got me into a chirpy mood for a slow jog. Yes! I am attempting to jog today. Usually I finish 9.3-9.6km in 60 minutes. So I told myself I would just run a minimum of 6km or 40 minutes, whichever is higher.

I think it was the lack of carbo, but my body felt weak after 10 minutes on the treadmill. So I psyched myself up to finish at least 5km. That I managed in a lousy timing. But my lousy timing might not be the result of the cleanse or the lack of carbo. I haven't been jogging for the past 6 weeks! So maybe it was just my lazy body.

After the jog, I gulped down the bottle of Lemon N Spice. I think this flavor is really growing on me. One thing to note, I don't usually feel hungry after a workout. Call me crazy, but I usually would drink water after my jog or hot yoga, and I could just carry on as per normal without feeling hungry. I usually have my workouts during lunch time and by the time I'm done and bathed, I could just survive with liquid. So I don't see any issue about having a detox and doing workouts at the same time. What I can actually achieve in my workouts during detox is another matter.

I had to bring the girls to their classes again in the afternoon. So I had the 3rd bottle Oh My Greens before I left the house. And I brought along the 4th bottle Green Lemonade in my Pigeon Cooler Bag to drink for dinner later while the girls are having their classes as I would be out till after dinner since we would be at my in-laws' for dinner. I told the maid that I had early dinner when the girls were having their classes to escape from eating. Yes, I still use the Pigeon Cooler Bag when I need to bring drinks, yoghurt etc out for the girls. Hah!

My last 2 drinks for the cleanse just had to be the 2 flavors I'm not very keen on. Well, at least I was warming up to Lemon N Spice. A total of 4 out of 18 bottles of this for the 3 days cleanse. And since it was my last bottle, I just gulped down Kaleidoscope like it was water.

I did it!

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