Kae developed a fever suddenly on Saturday morning. The fever continued on and off, and she was still not fully recovered on Monday, so we decided that she would skip school. And missed school she did on Tuesday too.
Don't get me wrong. I lurve to spend time with my daughter. But it gets really depressing when she's sick and whiny and refusing to sleep. Plus the fact that I am heavily pregnant now doesn't help. She lurves to whine for daddy now in the mornings, perhaps she's used to taking the car together with daddy in the mornings to school. It's their time together, just the 2 of them.
So the past Mon and Tue had been torture for me. Kae whining for daddy since she was awake at 7am in the morning. And her refusing to take a nap even after medication (isn't medication supposed to make one drowsy and sleepy?) really pisses me off. I lost my cool at her finally on Tue afternoon; she only slept at 5pm when she usually knocks out at 1pm in school! My parents who were at my place saw me lose my cool for the first time. Hah!
I was depressed. So I sent angry sms-es to dar. And being the understanding hubs he is, he just "listened" to my sms-es and never retort back. Coz it would seem to him that I am angry at him and not at the whole situation. He doesn't like it when I start to yell at him even though he ain't part of the problem or issue that I'm angry with. Yah, that's the man he is. But knowing how stressful I was with the whiny one at home, he just reminded me to keep my temper in check instead of the usual rebuttal he would give me when I throw a temper for no apparent reason.
Thank you for being my pillar and rock. Thank you for keeping quiet when I am so frustrated, and helping me care for Kae without complains when you have had such a busy day at work and still have to put up with my rantings and grumblings when you are home. I cannot thank you enough.
Thank you for keeping me steady. Muacks!
* photo taken by Kae with the iPhone