Sunday, March 15, 2009

First Class, finally!

Erm, not that I am flying first class to anywhere (duh!). Hah. Just that Kae is finally enrolled in her first class, or rather first programme.

We enrolled her in the Music programme at Gymboree. I've always wanted to enrol Kae in a music class as she seems to love music; she dances to music, and runs out of the room to the television set whenever a song is played. We've tried Kindermusik twice. But I didn't really like it. Like what Cherine said, the teacher couldn't really engage the kids. Well, can't really blame them. Each class consists of like 10-12 kids? It's different at Gymboree. Kae's class is only 6 babies huge, including Kae, and I heard a pair of twins! We didn't see the twins today as they were absent. So, the teacher has more time to engage each baby. Because of this, I feel that the class doesn't seem as "rushed" as in Kindermusik, it's more relaxed and enjoyable. So I've decided to sign up with Gymboree instead, even though the other is more reputated and more focused on music classes. One main reason for putting Kae in a class is to allow her to interact with other kids her age. If not, I have no idea how she will react when we bring her to playschool when she's 18 months old. And that is another headache altogether; which school?

Kae walking out happily after her class:

And I noticed that Kae had a new bad habit. She slouches! Argh. Wonder where she learnt that from.

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