Wednesday, March 04, 2009

6 more days...

Sigh. I am going to turn 30 in 6 days. Old, officially. How did I ever manage to scrape through 30 years of living, I really have no idea. And now I find myself with a daughter who is growing up too fast. Haha.

Here's the few milestones in my life, starting from when I graduated, in the year 2001.

This is me when I just started working in July 2001; was at some inter-department soccer match.

Me and my dar were officially engaged on 8 April 2004!

We ROMed on 18 June 2005 at Bacchus Wine Bar, Fullerton Waterboat House. I love that place!

We had our traditional wedding on 3 October 2005, dinner was held at Marriott Hotel.

I only found out I was pregnant in mid May 2007. This was taken in Bintan early May 2007, when I still was in the dark.

We then had a mini celebration at Jaan, end May 2007. Heh.

Me nearing my edd which is supposed to be on 14 Jan 2008. This was taken on 2 Dec 2007. Ain't my tummy big!

And my precious princess, Kaelyn Yeo was born; on 10 January 2008, 1849hr at Raffles Hospital.

Me and Kae on my last tweny something birthday. She was 2 months old then.

And this was taken at Kae's 1st year birthday party.

I will upload some pictures from before graduation when I am free. They are now all stored in my CDs. Think I forgot to upload quite a few onto my Flickr account. Damn. I am so not looking forward to changing my NRIC!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thats a really nice montage! Every reason to celebrate the start of the 30th birthday!!


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