Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Story Time

Once upon a time, there is this man. A 40 year old man to be exact. Let's call him X. X has a problem.

His problem is that he is living off his parents and siblings, literally. You would expect a 40 year old man to have a job and support himself, if not his parents.

Yes, X had a major head operation 4 years ago, and he had to take a long time off work to recover. That took around a year (and I am being generous with the length of recovery here). But that was then. It's been 3 years since he has recovered. Okay, let's give him another 1 year to stand back on his feet. It would have been 2 years since. Has X gotten back to his own feet in these 2 years? Not that I know of.

If you were a single 40 year old man, and you know that you cannot survive on your current job which is commision based, shouldn't you find another job? No matter if the new job you find is not office based, no matter if the new job is a blue collared job, no matter if the new job is not "prestigeous" so to speak, shouldn't you find a new job just to survive and support yourself? Already, I'm not talking about even giving money to your own parents for their upbringing or for living in their house still and not paying for the electricity, water, and food you consume daily. I am talking about simple basic survival for yourself.

No, instead X chooses to stay in the commision based job, which does not guarantee him a basic income monthly. He chooses to not seek another path or take up part time courses to upgrade himself so that it will be easier to find another job with a new set of skills. Instead, he chooses to stick it out in the current job, which frankly does not earn him much, as he has been borrowing money from the sibling(s) to get by.

Maybe if X knows that he does not have any savings or salary to get by, he should not have gotten the particular apple when it was launched last year. He should not stay out late at night (God knows how much one can spend when one stays out late, i.e the drinks, the food, the transportation fees?).

What irks me the most is that X doesn't think that he has a problem. He doesn't seem to want to get out of the rut he is in. It seems like he is comfortable in the situation he is in, and just wait it out before his funds dry up again. And he doesn't seem like he is going to return the money he has borrowed. How is one supposed to return what he borrowed when one just lives by the days without any urge or desire to improve, upgrade or get a stable job!

I am sorry but I have no respect at all for X. And it's not even about the money he has borrowed. He doesn't seem to be involved in his family activities, he does not help around the house. He will be extra nice and make conversation when he is in need, and just disappear completely when he is not. Would you not feel the same?

Something has got to be done. Maybe when X is in need the next time. If not, X will not change, and he will just be the same man condemned to be despised for the rest of his life.

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